Collection Item

Picnic at The Rocks 1952

By Roland Wakelin

The Sydney Harbour Bridge was just 20 years old when this work was painted by Roland Wakelin. Originally from New Zealand, he became a central figure in the development of modernism in Australian art in the early twentieth century. He specialised in rural landscapes and urban scenes exemplified in this work.

The view from Sydney’s Observatory Hill, looking along Lower Fort Street at The Rocks, remains relatively unchanged to this day, largely due to the efforts of The Rocks Residents Group which formed in 1971.

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Collection Item Type:
Oil on canvas
Call Number:
ML 1169
Published date:
On display:
Exhibition Galleries

Sponsored by Emeritus Professor Robert Clancy AM and Mrs Christine Clancy

Copyright Information:

Copyright status:In copyright - Life of artist plus 70 years

Copyright holder: Vision Australia

Approval for reproduction required

Please acknowledge: Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales and Courtesy Vision Australia

Display Location:
Exhibition Galleries
Historical Dates
Started Tuesday, 1 January 1952
Finished Wednesday, 31 December 1952
Started Tuesday, 1 January 1952
Finished Wednesday, 31 December 1952
Started Tuesday, 1 January 1952
Finished Wednesday, 31 December 1952