Australia: Country of Colour

Jess Racklyeft

2024 Shortlisted

Book cover

Judges' comments

Australia: Country of Colour, sincerely written and sumptuously illustrated by Jess Racklyeft, is a remarkable rainbow riot, brimming with ideas and energy. Engaging, informative and inviting, this picture book is jam-packed with vibrant native flora and fauna brought to life with expressive watercolour brushstrokes. This is a novel way to look at Australian nature — it delivers a fresh take on information books and allows the reader to appreciate the fine details of Australia’s fascinating creatures. It is highly engaging, with plenty of emotion and scope for discussion.

The ambitious, unexpected mashup of nature, artistry and education creates a delightful treasure trove for children to pore over, re-read, explore and discuss. A creative colour catalogue, filled with personal reflections, interesting facts and striking artwork, this book is a glorious celebration of nature’s perfect palettes. The double-spread illustrations that introduce each colour also tell their own narrative, inviting the reader to marvel at some splendid locations from the Great Barrier Reef to Bruny Island.

Updated on 28 June 2024