Collection Item

Sir Charles FitzRoy c 1855

By Henry Robinson Smith

Henry Robinson Smith’s florid portrait of Sir Charles FitzRoy seems to match the popular and aristocratic Governor-General’s reputation for sociability. Smith was a well-regarded portrait painter in Sydney in the 1850s, but few of his works have survived. The portrait coincided with FitzRoy’s departure from the colony in January 1855, presumably to capitalise on the interest in colonial commemorations of the Governor. 

It was described as a ‘striking likeness’ in the ‘usual good taste displayed by this eminent artist’. But in May 1856 Smith advertised a ‘life-size’ portrait of FitzRoy, valued at £84, via an art union or lottery. It is not known if it was the same painting as displayed here.

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Collection Item Type:
Oil on canvas
Call Number:
ML 159
Published date:
c 1855
On display:
Exhibition Galleries
Copyright Information:

Out of copyright: Artist died before 1955.

Please acknowledge: Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales

Display Location:
Exhibition Galleries
Historical Dates
Started Wednesday, 1 January 1851
Finished Monday, 31 December 1855
Started Wednesday, 1 January 1851
Finished Monday, 31 December 1855