Collection Item

Sydney from Bell Mount 1813

By Stephen Taylor

Stephen Taylor worked in England from 1807 to 1849 and produced this early depiction of Sydney Harbour in 1813, despite never having visited Australia. The view is from a high point behind Vaucluse and looks up the Harbour towards a distant Sydney, whose windmills pierce the skyline. Bell Mount appears to be an unrecorded name once associated with Vaucluse.

The painting is closely based on a print of the same view, which was published in London a year later, in 1814. It is likely that the source of both these works were drawings by Sydney-based convict and topographical artist, John Eyre. This view of Sydney from Vaucluse was a favourite with many colonial artists.

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Collection Item Type:
Oil on canvas
Call Number:
DG 100
Published date:
On display:
Exhibition Galleries

Sponsored by Rowena Danziger AM and Ken Coles AM

Copyright Information:

Out of copyright: Artist died before 1955

Please acknowledge: Dixson Galleries, State Library of New South Wales

Display Location:
Exhibition Galleries
Historical Dates
Started Friday, 1 January 1813
Finished Friday, 31 December 1813
Started Friday, 1 January 1813
Finished Friday, 31 December 1813