Ghosts of the Orphanage: A Story of Mysterious Deaths, A Conspiracy of Silence, and a Search for Justice

Christine Kenneally

2024 Winner

Book cover

Judges' comments

Ghosts of the Orphanage is a compelling non-fiction narrative that investigates the dark history of twentieth century orphanages. Using wide-ranging research and individual interviews, Christina Kenneally uncovers powerful stories of the mistreatment and even murder of children in institutions designed for their care. With a novelist’s eye for the thread that holds all the elements together, Kenneally concentrates on one Catholic orphanage, St Josephs, in the USA and on a court case brought by its former inhabitants to seek justice from the Church.

Kenneally leads us into St Josephs in the first line of the book, letting us see for ourselves the convincing realities of orphanage life. She introduces us to individual children, and we cannot look away as they each reveal their distressing memories. Her evocative detail and the skilful patterning of stories create an irresistible narrative pull as we follow her into a previously hidden world.

This book stands out as a search for truth and justice for the most vulnerable members of our society. It demands that silence be broken, that children are heard and that our attitudes and practices in relation to those who need community care change. Written with compassion, insight and impressive narrative skill, Ghosts of the Orphanage powerfully illuminates an issue at the heart of our humanity — our care and protection of those who cannot look after themselves.

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Updated on 20 May 2024