Collection Item

One of the NSW Aborigines befriended by Governor Macquarie c 1810–21

By Unknown artist

This mysterious portrait of an unknown, young Aboriginal man is believed to have belonged to Governor Lachlan Macquarie. The painting is by an unrecorded artist, created during the time Macquarie was Governor of NSW, sometime between 1810 and 1821. It has been described as ‘One of the NSW Aborigines befriended by Governor Macquarie’.

Macquarie was closely associated with Bungaree, the Eora man who had accompanied Matthew Flinders on his 1801–03 circumnavigation and mapping of the Australian continent. However, this is not a portrait of Bungaree, who would have been older than the young man depicted and it does not resemble other portraits of Bungaree from this time.

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Collection Item Type:
Oil on wood panel
Call Number:
ML 696
Published date:
c 1810–21
On display:
Exhibition Galleries

Sponsored by Pauline and Rob Conolly

Copyright Information:

Out of copyright

Please acknowledge: Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales

Display Location:
Exhibition Galleries
Historical Dates
Started Monday, 1 January 1810
Finished Monday, 31 December 1821
Started Monday, 1 January 1810
Finished Monday, 31 December 1821