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Planting Dreams: audio guides

Jonathan Jones on Richardson's 'Garden Palace'

'It was those extraordinary early collections that were lost in the fire of September 22, 1882 ...'

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An ink and watercolour drawing of a grand, domed building in the Botanical Gardens, Sydney
Garden Palace, Sydney, Richardson, ink & watercolour drawing, c.1879–82

barrangal dyara (skin and bones) 
17 September – 3 October 2016 
Royal Botanic Garden, Sydney 

Jonathan Jones is the first Australian artist commissioned by Kaldor Public Art Projects. Listen to Jonathan talk about his project, barrangal dyara (skin and bones), a vast sculptural installation stretching across 20,000 square-metres of the Royal Botanic Garden from 17 September - 3 October 2016.

Download a transcript of this audio. 

White ceramic shields on green grass at Royal Botanic Gardens with State Library of New South Wales in background
Kaldor Public Art Project 32: Jonathan Jones’ barrangal dyara (skin and bones) at the Royal Botanic Garden, Sydney, 2016. Photo: Peter Greig/Kaldor Public Art Projects.