Students in the Library

HSC: Word eXpress English Extension 2 seminar

Duration: Full day Seminar
Virtual excursion
Stage 6
English Extension 2

An online seminar that will inspire students and provide valuable tips before they start their course.

Word eXpress 2024

Join us for our interactive English Extension 2 online masterclass, built and presented by some of the most experienced leaders of English Extension 2. Our presenters bring their expertise from shaping, teaching and examining the course, along with professional and industry experience writing and editing. This masterclass invites students to access the advice and guidance of top experts and to reflect deeply on and plan their Major Work.

Short sessions will focus on aspects of the course including: 

  • Concept 
  • Form 
  • Research 
  • Reflection 
  • Assessment 

Each session will include focus questions and journal prompts, and the opportunity to ask questions. Sessions will include tips on creativity, process and the latest State Library research tools, as well as discussion with former students and exploration of aspects of their work.

Please note that this session will not be recorded. To participate you must attend the live sessions via Zoom on the day.

Registration for Word eXpress English Extension 2 seminar 2024 will be opened in Term 4.

You will receive your webinar link a few days prior to the event. Please note that all links and passcodes are unique to your booking and valid for one person to use on one device only, sharing this link may result in losing your place.

We have a number of subsidised places available for schools facing challenging circumstances, so please contact us if you would like to apply.

View the 2023 Word eXpress program.

Excursion Summary


Tuesday 19 November 2024


9:00am - 3:00pm


Links to register for this event will be released in Term 4, 2024.

Contact us to find out more
Phone: (02) 9273 1778