Setting the Scene

Topic: First Contacts
Student activity

Students get a feel for the convicts’ life in England before their crime and transportation. 

This is the student activity 1 of 6 of the Convict women of the First Fleet learning activity.

Task No. 1

Setting the scene

Teachers note: Print Resource 1: Setting the Scene

During the time of the Industrial Revolution many people in Britain were now unemployed as their jobs were being replaced by machines. People struggled to find employment. Many committed crimes to survive and provide for the needs of their family. Some women were only stealing to survive but for others it was also just a way of life, or a chance to take. 

Look at this image of life in England. 

Watercolour drawings of English sentimental genre scenes, ca. 1760-1800 : artist unknown - Image 55

Answer this question:

  • How do you think the people in this painting are feeling? Why?

Discuss with a partner the following scenario.

Imagine you are a woman who has just lost her job.  You have a family to support.  You know you need to provide food and shelter for your family.  

Answer the following questions:

  • How would you survive?
  • List your options and the obstacles you would face.
  • Would you steal food in order to survive? 
  • If you got away with it would you do it again? 
  • Do you fear punishment if you were caught?  

There were harsh punishments for even the smallest of crimes. Death, public humiliation e.g. whipping, hair cutting. Common crimes were theft, robbery and forgery.  

Use the downloadable worksheet, Resource 1: Setting the Scene, to record your ideas.