The B List with Liz Allen

Recorded on 11 June 2020

Bri speaking with Dr Liz Allen about her new book, The Future of Us: Demography Gets a Makeover, which looks beyond births, deaths and marriages. Demography gives us an understanding of Australia’s population.

We know where these people live and where they were born. We know how many babies they are likely to have. We know what their life expectancy is. We know how educated they are and whether they’re working. With energy and passion, demographer Liz Allen explains what this all means and how we can use this information to make Australia better.

Through this book Liz will help you to find your inner statistician! Dr Liz Allen is a demographer and social researcher, teaching research methods and researching population dynamics at the ANU Centre for Social Research and Methods. Liz was named among the inaugural ABC Top 5 Humanities and Social Sciences academics in Australia in 2018. Her book, The Future of Us (2020), is a call to action, showing how demography can be harnessed to build
