Sydney Grammar School and State Library of New South Wales


Past digital learning fellowship opportunity

About the Fellowship

The Sydney Grammar School and State Library of New South Wales Fellowship was previously offered to primary and secondary teachers to develop curriculum focused learning resources based on the collections of the Library.

The Sydney Grammar School and State Library of New South Wales Fellowship was for web developers who were passionate about English and History. This opportunity was ideal for developers in the digital humanities particularly within the Gallery, Library, Museums and Archive (GLAM) sector to support the creative and innovative use of the Library's Visionaries program with a specific emphasis on promoting collections and items that are relevant to a K-12 schools audience and curriculum. The Fellowship was generously supported by the Sydney Grammar School. 

Past Fellows


Mr Geoff Hinchcliffe, for his project Compelling Collections: improving the utility and aesthetics which utilised the Library's rich K-12 Visionaries collection.

The project proposed production of a system addressing both the K-12 collection audience (students and teachers) and the K-12 collection curators (educators and archivists). 


Ms Karen Yager, for her project: Stage 6 English Area of Study/Discovery

The project introduced the concepts of discovery, in part looking through the prism of texts such as Banks’s Endeavour log. This module targeted Year 12 English teachers and also develop a Year 9 unit of work, grounded in the concept of faction.


Mr Tony Britten, for his project: Digital Excellence supporting Digital Text Creation: the collection of the SLNSW and subject English in the context of the Australian Curriculum in NSW.

This project addressed a new area of curriculum design in the English curriculum: multimodal texts. Britten’s project to identify examples of these texts – essentially texts in multi-formats – to present as a designed resource to teachers, which can then generate student engagement.


Ms Mandy Anderson, for her project: Discovering classification with Joseph Banks.

This project developed a full unit of work on the foundational Stage 4 Science topic of classification. It drew from many strengths of the Library’s collections, and is built around an achievable time frame.

Last updated:  13 May 2024

Fellowship Information

For further information please contact Scholarship:

Phone: 02 9273 1765
