Poor Things

Tony McNamara

2024 Shortlisted


Judges' comments

Poor Things is a love letter to science, set in a stylised Frankenstein-like universe, utilising inventive dialogue and fun twists of archetypal characters. Protagonist Bella Baxter is a creation brought back to life by a maverick scientist, Dr Baxter. Despite being a bizarre experiment, she rapidly evolves her own life, running away to explore the world and adventure on her own terms. 

This astounding, unexpected script moves Bella from one dangerous crisis to another. Each stage progresses this unusual character through an embracing of sexual autonomy in a defiance that begins with innocent, curious naivete and lands in a place of worldly wisdom. Tony McNamara has created an engaging romp, executed beautifully, in a tone that is light-hearted even within the darkness, yet remains deeply questioning of societal standards, expectations and norms.

Updated on 03 May 2024