Changes to the Family Law Act


Significant changes to the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) parenting provisions came into effect on 6 May 2024. 

The law about how a court makes parenting orders has changed.

There are six factors the Court must consider when deciding orders are in the best interests of your child:

  • what arrangements would promote the safety of the child and every person who cares for the child – this includes people who don’t have parental responsibility for the child, such as grandparents and relatives
  • the child’s views
  • the child’s developmental, psychological, emotional, and cultural needs
  • the capacity of each person who will be responsible for the child to provide for the child’s developmental, psychological, emotional and cultural needs
  • the benefits to the child having a relationship with both parents, and other people significant to their care, welfare, and development, where it is safe to do so, such as grandparents and relatives
  • anything else that is relevant. 

Find out more on the Family law page.